The Bluebell Wood in Wanstead Park

Bluebells in Wanstead Park
Bluebells in Wanstead Park - 8 April 2017

When I wrote about where to see bluebells in London back in 2011, I didn't know yet about Wanstead Park. Some time after I must have learnt there are bluebells there; I first went to see them in 2014.

The Wanstead Park bluebells are the best in London: A proper bluebell wood! They're out now, and can be found in Chalet Wood, just to the north west of the Temple in Wanstead Park.

Bluebells in Wanstead Park
Wanstead Park bluebells in April 2016

Bluebells in Wanstead Park
Wanstead Park bluebells in April 2016

Bluebells in Wanstead Park
Wanstead Park bluebells in April 2014

Bluebells in Wanstead Park
Wanstead Park bluebells in April 2014

City of London: Wanstead Park
City of London: The Temple in Wanstead Park


  1. Thank you for this Laura, I've spent all morning googling how to see bluebells in London, I don't have a car and many of the sites are recommending woods too far out.


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